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Campaigns & Copy

We are working tirelessly to raise awareness about HIV and people living with hiv. Here you´ll find the campaigns and copy we currently use.

Video campaign Plusverket 2022

"Say hello to Plusverket!"

Postcard size information material

"Newly arrived with HIV"

A guide for people new to Sweden who live with HIV

Campaign video 2021

"Headline reel - HIV does not transmit under treatment"


"Animated short stories"

Storyboard living with hiv 3
Storyboard living with hiv 2

Three short stories conveying perspectives of people living with hiv. All based on real events.

Storyboard living with hiv 1

Cookie box with various information and material

"Outreach box"

Promotional material hiv
Open cookiebox with letter

Six-page informational brochure

"Living with hiv"

Video campaign 2020

"BBC reporter - Hiv does not transmit under treatment"


"Breaking news"

Three designs making use of the undetectable=untransmittable message combined with a classic frontpage breaking story layout.


"#Ingenrisk" (Norisk)

Postcards addressing common misconceptions about hiv in a practical manner. We tried to focus on clear cut communication on topics most people could relate to. The hashtag emphasize the no in no risk of transmission.

NB! Since 2021, we have decided to stop using our postcards, as they contained stereotypical and outdated imagery that does not reflect our values of equality and representation. 





Three artposter designs created to be used as gifts and awards.